Yangso Moonray replied

600 weeks ago

Might help to present your knowings, ideas, plans, and whatever else you found out in the game.
I make the start:

Alt + R Replies to tell (pressing often will scroll through the ppl who /tell you before)
This command can also be used when you wrote something and suddenly saw that its goin in the wrong chat.

Favored Destination halves the Teleport cost

Black-Listed player can still read your writtings, but you wont read theirs, neither in Shout/Yell/FC/LS

Num-Pad 0 is same as controllers X-Button, it can be used in various ways:
Login with just 1 button spamming
Crafting without using the Mouse
Gathering without using the Mouse to select item (the last clicked item will be gatherd, can also be altered with numpad button 2 and 8

Cheapest way to Limsa is Western Thanalan and Favored Destination in Limsa (170gil)

HQ Items as GC provision gives 50% EXTRA
Example: normal reward 250, with HQ 375(250+125)
Can only bring in stacks of complete quality for Gathering (10 items, all HQ or all NormalQ)
HQ Items as Leve item will give 200% EXTRA (gil AND exp)
Example: normal reward 250, with HQ item 750(250+500)

Duty-Info Timers shows what you can bring in as provisions for GC

GC Quartermaster also offers some Crafting/Gathering items also WITH setbonis

Distances of 15s+ are faster with mount/unmount Chocobo than running

Every crafting class can craft dyes at level 30
Botanist and Miner can gather the pigments and crystals needed at level 26+ (both the same)

DoH get skills usable by other DoH classes at level 15,37,50

Gathering classes dont get super useful skills to share with other classes.

Gathering Crops respawn after 3 attemps, means you can run in circle of 3 crops.
Also: You dont need to gather the crops to make the others respawn.
Example: 2 Crops give a special item, 2 Crops dont, you can gather the 2 "good" crops, start gathering at a 3rd crop but cancel, and one of the good ones will respawn.
This can save time to refine your item outcome

Yin bakes the best cookies on this and any other planet.

Kettering Admin replied

600 weeks ago

Awesome guide, Yang! Much appreciated, I'm sure it will help our newer players out.

And I have yet to decide whether Yin does bake the best cookies on this, and any other planet, for that matter… Because I did quite enjoy the cookies I got on Jupiter. We'll put them to the test!

Yangso Moonray replied

600 weeks ago

If a gil seller whispers you, the "alt-R" would bring him back
that can be used to create the following macro

/blist add <r>

you just need to accept adding him to blacklist, and done :)

Auto-Run is with button "R"
While autorunning against a wall, it considers you standing, so you could mount a chocobo or use skills, while running against a wall…although it wont benefit you much

Changing class will cancel all buffs

Doin all quests without taking the gear and just taking the gil items (alagan bronze, silver) will grant you around 200k gil at level 50 (need confirmation)

Gathering: Buffs dont stack, (5.15.50% gathering rate up will reset the spell cast before, also backwards, 50->15, just use one, not more)
Each succesful attempt grants 5 GP
Each Chain gives more EXP, but not more GP than 5 per hit,
Speciality: At chain 4 you can use a special skill to grant you 100% success and HQ rate, only possible at +1 Gathering attempts crops in combination with +1 gathering attempts skill
You can build up chains on shards for example to guarantee a HQ at the end if your normal gathering skills are too low.
Gathering Food also gives 3% more exp, use it if you plan to gather for hours, 3% on each hit? Hell yeah.

Crafting: Each action counts as a step, anything increasing progress or quality will consume durability. Later you have chance on conditions of your item-to-craft, which makes dozens of different action-combinations possible. The conditions are:
normal, good, excellent and poor.
Good gives access to some skills and will increase quality gain of next step! by 100% any step, if increasing quality or not, will condition reset to normal
Excellent will increase next Quality gain greatly (think 200%) also just for 1 step,
after this one step, the condition will always fall to poor->
poor will decrease quality gain by 50%, you want to skip that step by anything but quality gain
*Note* that good and excellent gain can be further increased if beforehand Greater Strides was used, wich will double the qualtiy gain again, means excellent goes for at least 400%, with right skills it can boost some items from 0 to 100%, also its gamble and low chance to get.

Besides that, there are few items which themselves have the condition to be of an element. Some crafter special skills can affect those items in various ways.
More later.

Crafting at 5 durability would use up 10 durability, if your progress reaches 100%, it wont fail anyway.

Thats all for now :)

Yins cookies are filled with more love then cookies from Venus, beat that :D
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