Kettering Admin replied

503 weeks ago

In this thread, I wanna talk about the roles and meanings of the ranks in the FC, and to highlight information on some recent changes to ranks made by me and the officer team.

Without further ado…



The boss. The head honcho. The big kahuna. The one behind the curtains. Bon. In charge of running the FC, disappearing for weeks, and dying in raids. Some refer to the master as "Post Echo's comic relief".

2nd In Command
The 2nd In Command of Post Echo's operations is Bon's (much cooler) brother, Jacques. He's just as important as Bon, though doesn't handle as much operations wise.

The officers are the head of operations and FC activities when Bon's not around. They're also responsible for arranging many of the FC events and meetings. They should be treated with the utmost respect, as they're more than likely online and alive when Bon isn't.

Post Echo's current officer team consists of:
- Xun Lee
- Joe The'pro
- Sol Phantasmagoria

We are currently not recruiting any more officers, but a thread would be made if we were to be doing so, so please don't ask.



The 'specialist' rank is a new rank that is given to players who have made great contributions to the FC, who are active and helpful in various ways and deserve recognition for their contributions to helping members and the like. This rank can be earned by any members of the FC.



This is the standard rank for players in the FC, the ones who are a fundamental part of Post Echo, and make up it's foundations. This rank is earned by Initiates' after being active in the FC for 2 weeks, or after making helpful contributions to other players in the FC.

The beginner rank, given to any new members of the FC. Other members should be sure to make initiates feel welcome, and try to be of assistance if they ask for any help, as with all members!

This rank is given to any members of the FC who are inactive for more than 30 days without prior notice. If players return to FFXIV and see they have this rank, contact a member of the admin team about re-gaining your previous ranking in the FC.


I hope this cleared up any and all information, though feel free to ask any questions or suggestions in the 'suggestions' forum.

Please note that all ranks are open to changes and tweaks.
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